“School Helped Me Find My Light and Shine”

I want my students to feel safe and loved,” says Teacher Evelyn. “I want them to find the love of God in class. I want them to always remember that we have the best Father of all, who always has our best interest at heart.”

Do you know why this is so important to Evelyn? Because Teacher Evelyn, like so many of our teachers, was once a child in our schools.

She understands first-hand that Vida Schools need to offer so much more than just an education to the children in her care.

Teacher Evelyn remembers starting kindergarten at Vida Chamché school. “I had one of the best teachers, who conveyed the love of God in various ways and made everyone in the class feel safe,” she says. “From that moment, I decided to become a teacher and follow her great example.”

While growing up, Evelyn didn’t always feel loved. As her parents fought at home, Evelyn struggled. She felt invisible, and she began to wonder whether she really had a purpose.

But in the midst of her struggles, she found refuge at school. “That’s where I felt loved,” says Evelyn. “They helped me find my light and shine. At school I found my purpose.”

And as she grew up, her teachers continued to speak wisdom into her life – words that changed her perspective and set her on the path of seeking God’s approval rather than the approval of those around her. Today, Teacher Evelyn strives to share this same wisdom with her own students

Vida Teachers are vital to building a brighter future for children in Guatemala. We need teachers to guide and love our children. To share that God DOES have a purpose for them. To help them find their light and shine.

When you give to Build a Brighter Future, you’re ensuring that amazing teachers like Teacher Evelyn are teaching in our schools. Teachers who love their students and care about all aspects of their lives, heart, soul and mind. And you’re allowing children in Guatemala to catch a glimpse of that brighter future for themselves so that they, too, can shine.

For a few more days, every dollar you give to Build a Brighter Future will be matched. That’s twice as many teachers in classrooms. Twice as many students learning how much God loves them from teachers who care. Twice as many opportunities to change the future for children in Guatemala. Will you give today?

Inflation and an emerging teacher shortage are creating new challenges for education in Guatemala. But our teachers understand intrinsically that they are shaping the future of the children in their care. You can help them build that brighter future!

Thank you, THANK YOU for your love for children in Guatemala!