For many years, we, as a ministry, have said that nothing significant will ever happen apart from God. We need God to lead, guide and direct in every aspect of what happens through Impact Ministries. Will you join our team of prayer warriors who lift this ministry to the throne of grace?
Sign up for our prayer team emails, or see below for some general prayer requests
- pray that each child would receive the discipleship that they need in order to grow to be godly leaders
- pray that our students would learn well and understand the concepts that they are taught
- pray that families would choose to continue to send their children to school
- pray that the Vida Schools would continue to find favour with the authorities
- pray that our young staff would mature in God’s ways and be firm in their faith
- ask God to give every church member a deep hunger for God’s Word and that their minds would be open to understand it
- pray that our leaders will be led by the Holy Spirit in all they do and that they would grow in integrity, sincerity and dedication
- pray that many more souls could be won for the Lord and that the true Light would shine into the darkened minds and souls of so many
- pray that church members would continue to grow in their desire to reach out and minister to one another
Orphan Care
- pray that the Vida Children’s Home will be a place of refuge, where love and hope will be offered and where lives will be transformed by the power of Jesus
- pray that children arriving in our care would settle in quickly and feel safe
- pray for the nannies and others who care for the children, that they would be the hands and feet of Jesus to these little ones
- pray that the Lord would sovereignly intervene as authorities make decisions regarding placing children in families and homes, so that each of our precious children would grow up in a safe and God-honouring environment
- pray that the Lord would mightily bless each individual who sponsors a child or supports a class
- pray that the children will feel their sponsors’ love across the miles
- pray for God to raise up sponsors for children and classes still in need of sponsors
Medical & Dental Clinics
- pray that the Lord would use the clinic to touch the lives of many without medical or dental access
- pray that patients and their families would see the healing power of prayer and the love of Christ through the work of the clinic
- pray for the resources to allow for permanent Guatemalan medical staff to care for patients on an ongoing basis
- pray for medical volunteers with a heart for Guatemala to supplement this care and to expand our mobile clinics serving the remote villages around Tactic
Short-Term Missions
- pray for our teams as we navigate short-term missions in a world that includes Covid
- pray for wisdom as we plan for the future
- pray for protection for our teams as they travel
- pray for God to work in the lives of those coming to Guatemala and of those they are connecting with in Guatemala
- pray for individuals who have been to Guatemala in the past years, that God would continue to work in their hearts