The Indigenous people of Guatemala suffered greatly during the 36 years of civil war that ended in 1996. It was during this time that Pastors, in danger of losing their lives, would walk for days to serve small groups of Christian believers in remote villages. Today, the Pastors in and around Tactic continue to serve in small, but vibrant churches; bringing help, and the hope of Jesus Christ, to the Q’eqchí and Poqomchí people. Many of these Pastors have had little or no formal training and are hungry to learn so their ministry would grow in strength.
Some of these Pastors are young men who have graduated from the Vida Schools with a heart to serve the Lord in Pastoral Ministry. Hector is one example of such a man. As a young man that has grown up in our ministry, Hector is now preparing himself to be a teacher in the future Impact Ministries Bible School. The Bible School is currently a “dream”, but we have seen the Lord turn dreams into reality before. Hector is preparing himself to be a part of that future reality!
Hector came into our school as a young boy, was part of our first junior high graduation class, went on to receive his Bachelor of Education from a local university, and is now enrolled in a Masters program. Hector’s ultimate goal is to complete his studies with a theology degree from SETECA, so he can teach in the Impact Ministries Bible School. Hector worked in our ministry as a teacher and principal, and presently, is the coordinator providing leadership to the three congregations of our Rio de Vida Church.
Hector has a compassionate pastoral heart, and a fervent love for the Lord. He is a humble servant who is willing to pour out his life for those in need. Together, with his wife Ericka, and his little boy Ethan, we are very blessed to have him be part of our ministry.
Impact Ministries has a vision to build a Bible School on the Chisac property for Pastors who are serving their people and long for training, young leaders like Hector who are serving in the Vida churches, and the young leaders who are just now enrolling in our elementary schools.