The Woodworking Shop in Action

Carpentry Shop AThe woodworking shop is finished and in use.

As part of the post-secondary training program, the carpentry shop will provide a space for young Guatemalan men to learn and practice a trade so they are able to support their families.  Equipping young men with a trade provides hope and inspiration for these young people.  Much of the wood that is used in the shop has been carefully harvested on the first Chisac property.

Generational cycles of poverty and despair are being broken as Impact students apply new skills.  We give thanks to the Lord for this amazing transformation!

In addition, the Carpentry shop will be used by Impact Ministries carpenters for the construction of the doors and furniture that will be used in the schools, church, orphanage, and medical clinic.  A collection of high quality tools were donated a number of years ago and have been waiting for their new home.

With all of our hearts, we thank the donors who have brought this dream to life.  This is a win – win – win!  Thank You.


Carpentry Shop B






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