Many years ago, while Elmer Poou – one of our original students – was still in elementary school, Impact Ministries acquired a piece of land in Chijulhá.

Impact Ministries had big plans for Chijulhá, but God had even bigger plans for the ministry, so for a dozen or so years, the land at Chijulhá grew produce, while Elmer grew up.
Last year, Impact Ministries started construction on Vida Chijulhá – and Elmer, who was now a Vida teacher, had recently become principal of Vida Chicoy.
Last week, students arrived for the first day of school at Vida Chijulhá. They were welcomed by Vida Chijulhá’s first principal: Elmer Poou.
“The first day of classes at Chijulhá was full of emotions” says Elmer. “Not only was it the first day of classes for the children, it was also the beginning of a new project to bless many lives.”
Even though it was cold and foggy, the children arrived with their parents. “You could see the parents were nervous, wanting to know what the school devotional would be like”
The kids were excited, and the parents – well, they were soon reassured. “You could see on their faces the joy as they heard the worship to our God. And much more importantly, they could know that their children would learn to worship and glorify Him every day.”
Thank you to each of you who helped make the dream of a school in Chijulhá a reality! We’ll be celebrating the Grand Opening of Vida Chijulhá in March, but until then, the kids will be learning – and worshipping – every day!
Praise be to God and all those involved in the success of, yet, another school where children can learn about their savior.
I recall, when on a mission trip with our Red Willow Church, from St, Albert AB Canada, your team showed us this portion of land for future development. What a blessing to see that dream has come true.
“Let the little children come unto me, and suffer them not… “
Thank you, Susie, indeed God is good! It is so wonderful to see plans unfolding with this new school. Praise God for all He is doing and will do!