When Les shared about Impact Ministries at a church in New Brunswick back in 2002 or 2003, Garry & Marion decided to sponsor a child. “Our first sponsored child was a boy called Cristian” says Garry.

Garry got to meet Cristian and his family for the first time in 2005. Cristian didn’t grow up with parents who followed the Lord. In fact, his father was an alcoholic and participated in Mayan rituals. But somehow, his parents had enrolled Cristian and his brother in a Vida School where their eyes were opened to how much God loves them.
As Cristian attended classes, sponsorship provided him with school fees, a school uniform, a daily warm meal, and medical care. The morning devotionals along with the lessons at school helped chip away some of the anger in his heart because of his father’s past mistakes.
When Garry returned to Guatemala earlier this year, he was surprised to recognize the lady who was cooking their meals at the guesthouse – it was Cristian’s Mom, Claudia! Soon after, he met Cristian’s Dad, Hugo, and learned that he, too, was now actively involved in the ministry!

You see, the love Cristian and his brother received from their teachers followed them home and they excitedly showed their parents what they were learning. Cristian and his brother were worried that their parents weren’t going to heaven. When Cristian got home from school one day, he opened up his Bible and showed his Mom and Dad the verses that talked about becoming born again. The parents went to Impact staff members and asked if what their son was saying was true. And in this way, through the witness of their sons, Hugo and Claudia gave their lives to Christ, and God transformed their family!
“I would have been lost in the world if you didn’t sponsor Cristian,” Hugo told Garry and Marion. “You have been part of the salvation of God in my life.”
Cristian has since completed high school. But we have other children just like Cristian who are still waiting for a sponsor. Will you be part of their story? See our available children at impact.sponsorsoft.ca.