In May, We Celebrate Sponsorship ?

May is the month we celebrate sponsorship at Impact Ministries. We’ll be sharing about children who are sponsored. We’ll be sharing about adults who were sponsored a long time ago as children. We’ll be sharing about the people who sponsor them. 

We’ll also be sharing about kids who still need sponsors.

Kids like 13-year-old Lilian, who wasn’t going to study this year because her dad doesn’t have a permanent job right now. With the help of her mom, Lilian has been contributing to the family income by preparing tacos and tamales to sell in the market.

But her parents wanted Lilian to go back to school alongside two of her younger sisters.

Lilian’s parents never had the opportunity to study. Lilian dreams of becoming a teacher. She’s motivated to study hard so that she can help her sisters with their homework and support another sister who can’t attend school because of disabilities. If Lilian can make it through this year, she’ll celebrate her Grade 7 Grad, and she might just get to continue on to Junior High.

Will you help us find a sponsor for Lilian, and other kids like her?

There’s three things you can do to help:

1) Pray for Lilian and other children who still need a sponsor

We’ll be featuring a different child like Lilian on our social media every day this month, or you can see all our children still waiting for a sponsor on Sponsorsoft. Pray for a sponsor to come alongside each of these children, to support them through their educational journey.

2) Share about sponsorship with someone you know

Relate Lilian’s story to a friend or family member. Share a post on your social media. Start a conversation about sponsorship at your church or at school or work.

3) If you’re not a sponsor yet, consider if sponsoring a child is right for you

$49/month enables a child in Guatemala to attend a Vida school. They’ll receive an academic education and be taught to know and love the Lord. You can read about what sponsorship provides at

Thank you for praying. Thank you for sharing with others. Thank you for your huge heart for children in Guatemala.

(Know someone who might want to sponsor Lilian? Here’s the link to her profile)

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