Impact Ministries

25 Years of Impact Anniversary Logo

Growing Godly Leaders

Impact the Future of a Whole Class of Students!

Make an Impact


Come to Guatemala

Make a long-term impact through short-term missions, share your skills, or join us for the VIDA Discipleship Program

Bridge the Gap

You can help bridge the gap to the actual cost of providing education and comprehensive care to a child in Guatemala by choosing your sponsorship level

Connect with Us

Connect with Impact Ministries in person, through social media, or by receiving stories from Guatemala in your in-box


“It Took Me 10 Years to Build Up the Courage to Go”

“It took me ten years to build up the courage to actually go on a short-term mission trip.” Impact Ministries has hosted over 500 Impact Trips in the past 25 years. They’ve come from across North America: These short-term teams have a long-term impact on Guatemala. Children have felt God’s love through team members, patients have been cared for, the Gospel has been shared and souls have been saved. But these teams inevitably also impact the team members who find the courage to come. Here’s just one of those stories: Alvin remembers sitting in his church, listening to missionaries speak. He heard Les Peters share about Impact…

Map of North America with blue, red and yellow markers

Isn’t God Absolutely Amazing?!?

2025 marks 25 years of Impact Ministries serving in Guatemala – can you believe it? In the year 2000, Les and Rita stepped out in faith and drove from Canada to Guatemala with their three young children. In the year 2000, they moved their family into the little A-frame house in the highlands of northern Guatemala and started exploring where and how God would have them minister. In the year 2000, a student named Hector graduated Grade 10 from the little Christian school in Tactic that would soon become the first Vida school. Twenty-five years later, Hector is the lead pastor of…

A crowd of children and teachers looking up and waving. 25 Years of Impact Logo in top right corner

Happy New Year!

It’s New Year’s Eve, and Les & Rita asked me to share a special New Year’s Greeting with you: As Les & Rita said, THANK YOU for pouring hope and vision and purpose into the lives of students in Guatemala throughout 2024 through teachers who love them and have the vision of a brighter future for them! There’s a few more hours left to double your donation to Build a Brighter Future for children and families in Guatemala. If it’s still on your list, would you give right now? Build a Brighter Future Your gift will provide children in…

Join Us

Schools in Guatemala

For our students, having a school to go to is so much more than just an education. Vida Schools are the foundation of our ministry, and provide academics, health care, nutrition, a loving community, and an introduction to God’s faithfulness.

Learn more ⇨

Orphan Care

I don’t want him. I want nothing to do with him!”

Those were the Mom’s words the moment she saw her big-eyed newborn. The baby’s birth mother is a very needy, mentally ill woman living on the streets of Guatemala. And her baby found refuge at the Vida Children’s Home.

Become an Orphan Care Champion ⇨


Discipleship Program

To follow Jesus is to risk!
Test God amidst the challenges of real life and discover that He is ALWAYS enough!

Vision – See the world as God sees it
Impact – Live life intentionally
Delight – Experience intimacy with Jesus
Adventure – Dare to follow Jesus

Learn more ⇨

Share Your Skills


Teach English

Are you TESL Trained? Teach English for a semester or more at our Vida Schools in Guatemala

Join our Translation Team

Do you read and write in Spanish and English? Help from home by translating correspondence between children and their sponsors

Provide Dental Check-Ups

Are you a Dentist? Join an open medical team or bring a dental team to Guatemala to provide much-needed dental care to Vida students


Medical Teams

Are you a:
Nurse Practitioner
Medical Technician
Dental Hygienist
other Medical Practitioner

We’re looking for medical practitioners to serve in rural Guatemala
Learn more ⇨



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