Child Sponsorship

CTP_3791Through Child Sponsorship donations, Impact Ministries is provided with the resources to help
break the cycle of poverty and illiteracy for more than 1500 Guatemalan children. Child Sponsorship helps to provide:

  • A broad academic education in one of the Vida Schools
  • A daily nutritious meal and vitamins
  • Medical care
  • Christian discipleship and mentoring
  • A birthday gift and new shoes at Christmas

Impact Ministries staff is personally involved in each child’s life, knowing each child and their family well, and caring for them on a daily basis. Our teachers, pastors and support staff provide godly role models for each child, to help them to know the Lord and to become all that He intends for them to be.

Our Child Sponsorship program works closely with our Support a Class program to ensure that we are able to meet the educational needs of our students with excellence. You can learn more about Support a Class here.

For further information or to sponsor a child, check out the Sponsor a Child page or download the Child Sponsorship Brochure.

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